Why do people buy health insurance? What are they “insuring”?
Set of providers for which the insurer has agreed to pay some amount of care received at those providers, conditional on other cost-sharing terms of the insurance contract
What enrollees pay every month regardless of whether they use any health care
Generally refers to the amount of health care expenses that must be paid directly by the patient (as opposed to their insurance plan)
The amount of money that a patient must pay out-of-pocket before the insurance company will pay anything
A fixed dollar amount for which the patient is responsible after meeting their deductible.
A percentage of costs for which the patient is responsible after meeting their deductible.
Source of Health Insurance (2012)
Medicare consists of four parts:
In shielding enrollees from the costs of care, health insurance increases utilization of healthcare (i.e., ‘moral hazard’ or ‘ex post moral hazard’):
Seems like an obvious area, but surprisingly few good studies on this topic:
Very recent work in this area, as it’s been difficult to identify causal effects of health insurance on health:
Here’s a good example, Costs during special enrollment periods.
Textbook depiction of adverse selection
To think about unravelling, we need to think of this graph in stages or periods.
Examples of “managed competition” in health insurance include:
In MA, almost all markets are dominated (\(\geq\) 95% market share) by no more than 3 insurers. Why?
Basic structure:
Putting profit function in terms of risk units, the plan’s problem is:
\[\max_{p_{j}} \left(p_{j} + B - c_{j} \right) Q_{j}(p_{j}, p_{-j}),\]
where \(p_{j}\) is the plan’s price, \(c_{j}\) is their cost per enrollee, and \(Q_{j}\) is plan j’s quantity (in risk units)
\[\begin{align} \frac{d \pi}{d p_{j}} = Q_{j}(p_{j}, p_{-j}) + \frac{d Q_{j}}{d p_{j}} ( p_{j} + B - c_{j}) &= 0 \\ p_{j} + B - c_{j} = \frac{ - Q_{j} }{ \frac{d Q_{j}}{d p_{j}}} &= \left(\frac{d \ln Q_{j}}{d p_{j}}\right)^{-1} \\ p_{j} &= c_{j} - B + \left(\frac{d \ln Q_{j}}{d p_{j}}\right)^{-1} \\ b_{j} &= c_{j} + \left(\frac{d \ln Q_{j}}{d p_{j}}\right)^{-1} \\ \end{align}\]
Curto et al. (2021) study this in great detail…some key findings: